Be Flexible
Something really weird happened today at school. Projectors stopped working. The wifi went out. Some places were without lights. The hallway smelled like death. It was weird.
It was at this moment that I realized I have become a new-age teacher. I had to figure out how to teach my 4th block class with absolutely no technology. I was definitely out of my element! I mean, y'all. I barely even write on my whiteboards.
Tomorrow, I have to teach Algebra 1 without an iPad. Don't get me wrong. I taught for 6 years without an iPad. Last year, however, I'd connect the iPad to the Apple TV, and project solely from it. I'd walk the room, let students write on the iPad, whatever I needed to do.
I really had to ask myself "How did you teach without an iPad? What did you do?" It's funny and sad at the same time. Before the fancy Prometheans, there were document cameras. Before that, basic Epson Projectors. Before that, overhead projectors (I still use transparencies because I just love them!). Dry erase boards. Chalkboards. A stick and dirt?
Teachers know that we have to be flexible, but are we? I mean, I got through my 4th block, but I had a pity party (attendance of 1) after school.
So, a goal for this school year? Be flexible, for real. This is truly multi-faceted. Be flexible in how I view students. Adapt my instruction based on student knowledge. Change up the way I do things if they're obviously not working (or when something else is better). Be flexible!
Until next time,
Cononiah W.
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